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Listing the lists

I had a list of the stuff I had to do today.


*make zucchini brownies

*Finish ironing

*finish laundry for guest house.

This is what I've gotten done:

*finished ironing

*binge watching X-Files

*designed a project for next weeks blog

*talked on the phone

*Ate lunch

*Painted my nails -- not well, but painted.

Sometimes the days don't go as planned. Sometimes the spirit moves me in a direction other than what I thought would be productive today. I used to panic about these moments. Beat myself up.

Yeah... I stopped that shit.

Life happens. Things happen for a reason. I'm always working on trusting my instinct and my body -- and following my guts. And today -- I need to do things other than what's on my list. Will everything get done? Yes, but maybe not in the timeline I had originally thought.

The other lists I've been working on today: Bucket List and Victory List

Victories this year:

  • 9 months without bronchitis or pneumonia. (This is huge victory)

  • Stood up on a Stand Up Paddle Board (While it was in the water and you know, I was floating on it.

  • Grew a relatively productive garden this summer

  • Organized laundry room, hall closet, guest room, garage. Made significant progress in the studio and storage rooms

Bucket list -- no deadline

  • Climb Mt. Borah

  • Lead revolution

  • Kiss Keifer Sutherland

  • Watch every Dr. Who ever made

  • Watch every X-Files ever made

  • Visit every National Park in the country

  • Go to Cornwall, England. Vacation there and drink tea in the rain

  • Write a book about the journey to self acceptance

  • Write a book of prose and poetry filled with my photography

  • Do a calendar of my photographs

  • Complete reorganization of my office and studio

  • Go to Italy. Eat food and drink wine.

  • Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.

  • over night river rafting trip

It goes on -- the lists -- they never end. They're ever evolving the way my life works. That's the beautiful thing about my lists, they change. While this used to cause me significant panic, I know embrace the chaos. While it's sometimes a struggle, I mostly enjoy the ride.

I want to know what are on your lists. How do they compare with what actually gets done. What are you celebrating? What do you want to do that you haven't yet?

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